It’s 2am, and Emily Chalk is in Egypt, her guide hasn’t shown up, her Taxi driver’s lost and now he’s trying to talk some bandits out of shooting her and her travelling companions with AK47’s.
It’s at times like these Emily likes to think about cats. Specifically, Bastet, the Ancient Egyptian god with the head of a cat and the body of a human who was considered a guardian, protector and keeper of women’s secrets.
What does any of this have to do with photography? Well, Emily sees things from a different perspective. It’s something she’s good at. Something that was possibly brought about by an ADHD diagnosis and enhanced by raising a non-verbal son. His autism has taken her on an incredible journey of discovery, a way of seeing and thinking that could only be described as intensely sensory.
Feeling and seeing, darkness and light, truth and shadows.
Emily brings passion and focus to all of her photographic assignments and loves collaborating with clients, or if needs be, ancient Egyptian cat gods.
Clients include: Honda, Resene, Warner Bros, Auckland Council,Te Roopu Taurima, The Cancer Foundation, Bunnings, Are Media.