A natural creator since she was a child, Virginia first craved to be a fashion designer, but her doubting parents made her do food science instead. Undaunted, she funnelled her creative energy into creating and marketing new food products, but soon found herself in a boring corporate rut, so broke free to find her creative force again. She threw in everything to pursue her love of photography. She studied photographic design and worked as a press photographer for a national newspaper honing her craft photographing people from all walks of life and in all sorts of situations - experience that now enriches her award-winning commercial work on outdoor adventure, lifestyle, and portrait shoots. She also dabbles in architectural photography from time to time, when she’s not travelling the world seeking adventure and telling stories through her lens.

Virginia uses her skills to bring focus to causes she is passionate about, including The Final Meltdown project which documents the impact of climate change on New Zealand’s glaciers. Recently, she expanded into multimedia, presenting and producing Xīn xī lán, a five-part documentary series that explores the history of New Zealand Chinese.

Her career has seen her photograph luxury resorts in Fiji, fend off the advances of a Papua New Guinean chief who needed a fourth wife, eat pig entrails in Japan (washed down by lots of sake), and her favourite experience so far - sleeping under the stars in the Sahara. Adventure energises her.

Virginia is a Canon Master, one of only 15 Masters in Australasia, recognised as a world class image creator, who has perfected her craft and offers inspiration, vision, insight, and experience within the industry.

Based out of sunny Nelson NZ, she lives on a green hillside, bathed in natural light with an ever-changing view of the sea, and travels the world for a taste of excitement and exploration. She loves photographing people, places, and capturing the stories she finds.
