[Fresh back from the London rat race, Alexander Boulton reflects on the Wellington jazz scene and his purpose as a young jazz musician]

Alex’s return has offered a refuge from the competitiveness of London.  Although he believes there is a need for the feeling of inadequacy to keep you trying, Wellington encourages healthier competition.  “Here, the whole community is trying to lift you up.  You don’t live in fear of someone stealing your job.”

His measure of success as a jazz musician is the ability to show respect to the musicians of the past, whilst having the ingenuity to carry their music into the future.  Alex has an appreciation of jazz that spreads beyond the music.  His style of dress reflects his devotion to earlier jazz movements such as Bebop and Swing, echoing the level of care and attention to detail he applies to his music. 



My interest for photography was sparked in Secondary school and has followed me through a Bachelor (Hons) in Photography and continued on to a Masters of Design. Throughout my study I supported myself by working as a publican at a small local bar and music venue. My work in the public face informs my research, often through the methodology of Visual Ethnography.

The portrait exhibited draws on the relationships formed while working at the same bar, which seeded the projects of both my Undergraduate study and Masters Thesis.